We made a last minute decision to come into town today, only because we´ve gone two days now with such high winds and intermittent rain, that we´ve been unable to trap tucos. The good news is that the weather is suppose to turn warm. Cross your fingers! We have about 5 more colonies to go.
Meanwhile, I do a lot of bird watching when I´m not watching the tucos or the holes from which they pop up. This little girl in the pic, Fio Fio, in Spanish... and I think from the genus, Elainea, or something like that, has been the most noticeable visitor around camp and the field. They´re cute little buggers, which hang on to sticks and watch for bugs, quickly popping down to the ground to snag a bit and then back to their perch. They remind me of kinglets but Claire, you might have to hunt this one down for me. Anyway, they´re quite the chirpers and fun to follow. We also came upon a Loica´s nest. They are like the southern hemisphere´s version of a meadowlark but with a brilliant red chest. They nest on the ground and this nest had a cowbird chick in it and what looked like another cowbird egg along with its own two eggs. Unfortunately, the parents abandoned the nest. I continue to watch our kestrel pair feeding in the lower hollow of a tree and hope to post a short clip soon. They are quite the beautiful birds and their hatchlings are getting quite the gourmet meals, usually consisting of large juicy lizards. Finally, we´ve had our "regular" little gray bird (Doica) show up to fight himself in the truck side mirrors. It´s funny to watch as he flies at the mirror over and over again. From the condors to the swallows, this place is full of amazing birdlife.
We bought our bus tickets for Salta today. It´s a two day bus ride to where we pick up our rental truck and head into the mountains near Jujuy. Should be fun. Also, we will be checking out a site about 150 km from here on reports that another population of C. sociabilis may be there. We´re all doubting this but gonna check just in case. That´s all for now. I´m probably going to be out of touch until Dec. 11 or so as we hope to take advantage of the promised good weather. Hope you´re all staying warm during the winter. I´m betting my spring is colder than your (i.e. California) winter... at least right now. Missing you all ... Julie
Bob is home from Brazil to visit over the holidays and he thinks it's colder than well, the Antarctic, compared to his home in Maceio. He can be seen during the morning hours sitting in a chair by the fireplace. Tuco, tuco to you, too, Julie. Miss you.