the night before my birthday, i was treating my two chinchillas to some craisins, their favorite treat. they've gotten in the habit of reaching out and grabbing my fingers to pull close to them, the better to reach the craisins. while they were happily eating from my hand, i saw out of the corner of my eye little gray things and immediately thought mice had gotten into their cage. but no, we had chinchilla babies!!! okay, i knew it was a possibility being that i was housing a male with a female, but the female is older and has never shown much interest in the male.
apparently, she did at some point.
anyway, they are the cutest things ever. we had 3 but lost one. the two little ones are doing well and, as they get bigger, are hopping all over. there's nothing quite as cute as a baby animal!
Okay... well, I won't be 50 until next week, the very thought makes me tremble a little. It's not like one week matters but it's really difficult to think of myself in an age group I've always considered old.
I know. I know. 50 is the new 40, but tell that to the body! I know. I know. It's only a number. Your age is in your mind, spirit, soul, but again, I kind of wish it was in the body too!
Still, how can I complain? I may not be the same person I was 20 years ago, but I am happy and grateful for all that I've gotten to do in this life. I have four amazing kids. I have the best friends and family anyone could wish for. I kayak with orcas every year. I live in one of the b
est towns in the U.S. (Sebastopol) in a house with a huge yard to garden (not to mention redwood trees and oak trees). I go to UC Berkeley and travel to Argentina every year to do fieldwork. I'm getting my first chapter published this year... woo hoo! (see pic below)
And before I turn 51, I will get my PhD. The first half of my 50th year will be spent feverishly finishing my thesis and the se
cond half will be spent begging for work (so I can keep the house, garden and the ability to go kayaking!).
I've had a good ride... certainly with some serious rocky moments, but overall, life at 50 is, indeed, pretty spectacular. Here's to the next 50, um... make that 30+ or so!p.s. yes, that's me with a kayak paddle, a hoe and a hand shovel in the top picture, showing off my garden with my favorite tools (though I only use the paddle in the ocean).