Friday, May 14, 2010

Life at 50

Okay... well, I won't be 50 until next week, the very thought makes me tremble a little. It's not like one week matters but it's really difficult to think of myself in an age group I've always considered old. I know. I know. 50 is the new 40, but tell that to the body! I know. I know. It's only a number. Your age is in your mind, spirit, soul, but again, I kind of wish it was in the body too!

Still, how can I complain? I may not be the same person I was 20 years ago, but I am happy and grateful for all that I've gotten to do in this life. I have four amazing kids. I have the best friends and family anyone could wish for. I kayak with orcas every year. I live in one of the best towns in the U.S. (Sebastopol) in a house with a huge yard to garden (not to mention redwood trees and oak trees). I go to UC Berkeley and travel to Argentina every year to do fieldwork. I'm getting my first chapter published this year... woo hoo! (see pic below)

And before I turn 51, I will get my PhD. The first half of my 50th year will be spent feverishly finishing my thesis and the second half will be spent begging for work (so I can keep the house, garden and the ability to go kayaking!).

I've had a good ride... certainly with some serious rocky moments, but overall, life
at 50 is, indeed, pretty spectacular. Here's to the next 50, um... make that 30+ or so!

p.s. yes, that's me with a kayak paddle, a hoe and a hand shovel in the top picture, showing off my garden with my favorite tools (though I only use the paddle in the ocean).

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