Saturday, June 12, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I thought I'd revisit the garden theme in this post and show off a few pics of my ever-growing garden. The tomatoes are outta control! They aren't ripe yet but coming along with flowers and some fruit. I've also got blueberries on the bush and have now eaten a total of 2 ripe raspberries... very tasty ones, I might say.

I was taking care of John and Eileen's garden and harvesting (and eating) the sugar snap peas and became addicted... so I've got seeds started and am going to build a structure for them to climb so they can give me lots of peas! No fruit on the fruit trees but I am not expecting any this first year. The squash has numerous baby squashes on it and I'm afraid I will miss the first harvest as I leave on a 2 week trip to the San Juans this Tuesday. Hopefully the kids will eat them.

We've enjoyed the lettuces and some spinach but I did have to deal with a nasty little pest, the leaf miner, and I've noticed aphids on my broccoli!
Still, I think I am ahead in having a pretty successful first garden. Even the corn is beginning to grow. More in a couple of weeks when I return from kayaking with the orcas, my favorite thing to do each solstice.

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks great! Are those blueberries? Have fun in the San Juans!
